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Version: 4.6

Compose behaviors using Subtrees

We can build large-scale behavior by inserting smaller and reusable behaviors into larger ones.

In other words, we want to create hierarchical behavior trees and make our trees composable.

This can be achieved by defining multiple trees in the XML and using the node SubTree to include one tree into the other.

CrossDoor behavior

This example is inspired by a popular article about behavior trees.

It is also the first practical example that uses Decorators and Fallback.


<root BTCPP_format="4">

<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
<SubTree ID="DoorClosed"/>

<BehaviorTree ID="DoorClosed">
<RetryUntilSuccessful num_attempts="5">


The desired behavior is:

  • If the door is open, PassThroughDoor.
  • If the door is closed, try OpenDoor, or try PickLock up to 5 times or, finally, SmashDoor.
  • If at least one of the actions in the DoorClosed subtree succeeded, then PassThroughDoor.

The CPP code

We will not show the detailed implementation of the dummy actions in CrossDoor.

The only interesting piece of code is probably registerNodes.

class CrossDoor
void registerNodes(BT::BehaviorTreeFactory& factory);

// SUCCESS if _door_open != true
BT::NodeStatus isDoorClosed();

// SUCCESS if _door_open == true
BT::NodeStatus passThroughDoor();

// After 3 attempts, will open a locked door
BT::NodeStatus pickLock();

// FAILURE if door locked
BT::NodeStatus openDoor();

// WILL always open a door
BT::NodeStatus smashDoor();

bool _door_open = false;
bool _door_locked = true;
int _pick_attempts = 0;

// Helper method to make registering less painful for the user
void CrossDoor::registerNodes(BT::BehaviorTreeFactory &factory)
"IsDoorClosed", std::bind(&CrossDoor::isDoorClosed, this));

"PassThroughDoor", std::bind(&CrossDoor::passThroughDoor, this));

"OpenDoor", std::bind(&CrossDoor::openDoor, this));

"PickLock", std::bind(&CrossDoor::pickLock, this));

"SmashDoor", std::bind(&CrossDoor::smashDoor, this));

int main()
BehaviorTreeFactory factory;

CrossDoor cross_door;

// In this example a single XML contains multiple <BehaviorTree>
// To determine which one is the "main one", we should first register
// the XML and then allocate a specific tree, using its ID

auto tree = factory.createTree("MainTree");

// helper function to print the tree


return 0;