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Version: 4.6

Zero-copy access to the blackboard

If you followed the tutorials, you should already know that the Blackboard uses value semantic, i.e. the methods getInput and setOutput copy the value from/to the blackboard.

In some cases, it could be desirable to use, instead, reference semantic, i.e. access the object stored in the Blackboard directly. This is particularly important when the object is:

  • a complex data structure
  • expensive to copy
  • non-copyable.

For instance, a Node where it is recommended to use reference semantic is the LoopNode decorator, that modifies "in-place" a vector of objects.

Method 1: Blackboard entries as Share pointers

For the sake of simplicity, we will consider an object that is expensive to copy, called Pointcloud.

Assuming that we have a simple BT like this one:

 <root BTCPP_format="4" >
<BehaviorTree ID="SegmentCup">
<AcquirePointCloud cloud="{pointcloud}"/>
<SegmentObject obj_name="cup" cloud="{pointcloud}" obj_pose="{pose}"/>
  • AcquirePointCloud will write into the blackboard entry pointcloud.

  • SegmentObject will read from that entry.

    The recommended port types, in this case is:

PortsList AcquirePointCloud::providedPorts()
return { OutputPort<std::shared_ptr<Pointcloud>>("cloud") };

PortsList SegmentObject::providedPorts()
return { InputPort<std::string>("obj_name"),
OutputPort<Pose3D>("obj_pose") };

The methods getInput and setOutput can be used as usual and still have value semantic. But since the object being copied is a shared_ptr we are actually accessing the pointcloud instance by reference.

The most notable issue, when using the shared_ptr approach, is that it is NOT thread safe.

If a custom asynchronous Node has its own thread, then the actual object might be accessed by other threads at the same time.

To prevent this issue, we provide a different API that includes a locking mechanism.

First, when creating our ports we can use a plain Pointcloud, no need to wrap it inside a std::shared_ptr:

PortsList AcquirePointCloud::providedPorts()
return { OutputPort<Pointcloud>("cloud") };

PortsList SegmentObject::providedPorts()
return { InputPort<std::string>("obj_name"),
OutputPort<Pose3D>("obj_pose") };

To access the instance of Pointcloud by pointer/reference:

// inside the scope below, as long as "any_locked" exists, a mutex protecting 
// the instance of "cloud" will remain locked
if(auto any_locked = getLockedPortContent("cloud"))
// the entry in the blackboard hasn't been initialized yet.
// You can initialize it doing:
else if(Pointcloud* cloud_ptr = any_locked->castPtr<Pointcloud>())
// Succesful cast to Pointcloud* (original type).
// Modify the pointcloud instance, using cloud_ptr