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Version: 4.6

Introduction to Scripting

Behavior Tree 4.X introduces a simple but powerful new concept: a scripting language within XML.

The implemented scripting language has a familiar syntax; it allows the user to quickly read from / write to the variables of the blackboard.

The simpler way to learn how scripting works is using the built-in action Script, which was introduced in the second tutorial

Assignment operators, strings and numbers


param_A := 42
param_B = 3.14
message = 'hello world'
  • The first line assigns the number 42 to the blackboard entry param_A.
  • The second line assigns the number 3.14 to the blackboard entry param_B.
  • The third line assigns the string "hello world" to the blackboard entry message.

The difference between the operator ":=" and "=" is that the former may create a new entry in the blackboard, if it doesn't exist, whilst the latter will throw an exception if the blackboard doesn't contain the entry.

You can also use semicolons to add multiple commands in a single script.

A:= 42; B:=24

Arithmetic operators and parenthesis


param_A := 7
param_B := 5
param_B *= 2
param_C := (param_A * 3) + param_B

The resulting values of param_B is 10 and param_C is 31.

The following operators are supported:

OperatorAssign OperatorDescription

Note that the addition operator is the only one that also works with string (used to concatenate two strings).

Bitwise operator and hexadecimal numbers

These operators work only if the value can be cast to an integer number.

Using them with a string or real number will cause an exception.


value:= 0x7F
val_A:= value & 0x0F
val_B:= value | 0xF0

The value of val_A is 0x0F (or 15); val_B is 0xFF (or 255).

Binary OperatorsDescription
|Bitwise or
&Bitwise and
^Bitwise xor
Unary OperatorsDescription

Logic and comparison operators

Operators which return a boolean.


val_A := true
val_B := 5 > 3
val_C := (val_A == val_B)
val_D := (val_A && val_B) || !val_C
true/falseBooleans. Castable to 1 and 0 respectively
&&Logic and
||Logic or
<=Less equal
>=Greater equal

Ternary operator if-then-else


val_B = (val_A > 1) ? 42 : 24

C++ example

Demonstration of the scripting language, including how to use enums to represent integer values.

The XML:

<root >
<Script code=" msg:='hello world' " />
<Script code=" A:=THE_ANSWER; B:=3.14; color:=RED " />
<Precondition if="A>B && color!=BLUE" else="FAILURE">
<SaySomething message="{A}"/>
<SaySomething message="{B}"/>
<SaySomething message="{msg}"/>
<SaySomething message="{color}"/>

The C++ code to register the Nodes and the enums:

int main()
// Simple tree: a sequence of two asynchronous actions,
// but the second will be halted because of the timeout.

BehaviorTreeFactory factory;

enum Color { RED=1, BLUE=2, GREEN=3 };
// We can add these enums to the scripting language

// Or we can do it manually
factory.registerScriptingEnum("THE_ANSWER", 42);

auto tree = factory.createTreeFromText(xml_text);
return 0;

Expected output:

Robot says: 42.000000
Robot says: 3.140000
Robot says: hello world
Robot says: 1.000000

Note as, under the hood, an ENUM is always interpreted as its numerical value.