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Version: 4.0.2

How to use multiple XML files

In the examples we have presented, we always create an entire Tree and its SubTrees from a single XML file.

But as the number of SubTrees grows, it is convenient to use multiple files.

Our subtrees

File subtree_A.xml:

<BehaviorTree ID="SubTreeA">
<SaySomething message="Executing Sub_A" />

File subtree_B.xml:

<BehaviorTree ID="SubTreeB">
<SaySomething message="Executing Sub_B" />

Let's consider a file main_tree.xml that should include the other 2 files:

<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
<SaySomething message="starting MainTree" />
<SubTree ID="SubTreeA" />
<SubTree ID="SubTreeB" />

To load multiple files manually:

int main()
BT::BehaviorTreeFactory factory;

// Find all the XML files in a folder and register all of them.
// We will use std::filesystem::directory_iterator
std::string search_directory = "./";

using std::filesystem::directory_iterator;
for (auto const& entry : directory_iterator(search_directory))
if( entry.path().extension() == ".xml")
// This, in our specific case, would be equivalent to
// factory.registerBehaviorTreeFromFile("./main_tree.xml");
// factory.registerBehaviorTreeFromFile("./subtree_A.xml");
// factory.registerBehaviorTreeFromFile("./subtree_B.xml");

// You can create the MainTree and the subtrees will be added automatically.
std::cout << "----- MainTree tick ----" << std::endl;
auto main_tree = factory.createTree("MainTree");

// ... or you can create only one of the subtrees
std::cout << "----- SubA tick ----" << std::endl;
auto subA_tree = factory.createTree("SubTreeA");

return 0;
/* Expected output:

Registered BehaviorTrees:
- MainTree
- SubTreeA
- SubTreeB
----- MainTree tick ----
Robot says: starting MainTree
Robot says: Executing Sub_A
Robot says: Executing Sub_B
----- SubA tick ----
Robot says: Executing Sub_A

Add multiple files with "include"

If you prefer to move the information of the trees to include into the XML itself, you can modify main_tree.xml as shown below:

<root BTCPP_format="4">
<include path="./subtree_A.xml" />
<include path="./subtree_B.xml" />
<BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
<SaySomething message="starting MainTree" />
<SubTree ID="SubTreeA" />
<SubTree ID="SubTreeB" />

As you may notice, we included two relative paths in main_tree.xml that tells BehaviorTreeFactory where to find the required dependencies.

Paths are relative to main_tree.xml.

We can now create the tree as usual:
